We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.
Today we are reflecting on our place in this world trying, even with the simplest movement, to restore the ecosystems of our planet.
Reimagine. Recreate. Restore.
The motto for this year’s celebration of World Environment Day is “Redesign, Reconstruction, Restoration”, principles that are the basis for sustainability.
5 changes in our lives to make these principles your daily routine!
🌿 We choose reusable, recyclable, and organic products such as Bamboo straws.
🌿 We use coconut utensils such as Coconut Bowls. Even if they wear out, we just change their use!
🌿 We put our shopping in canvas bags since this year we say goodbye to disposable plastics.
🌿 We go to work on foot or by bicycle, contributing substantially to reducing emissions.
🌿 We choose alternative forms of energy for the daily needs of our home such as solar panels for electricity.
Let’s not forget … The environment is us … By protecting it, we are protecting ourselves!