
7 Days Power combo

SKU: summer1

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Buy four 7 Days POWER for the price of three!

Each package contains 21 tablets of 1g Spiroulina PLATENSIS (Net Weight 21g)

100% pure Greek Spirulina
without pigments, additives or preservatives

7 Days Power | 21 ταμπλέτες του 1g

Weight 0.440 kg
Dimensions 18.5 × 4.5 × 9 cm

60.00 45.00

21 tablets of 1g Spiroulina PLATENSIS (Net weight 21g)

Availability: In stock

100% natural greek product
Ideal for the whole family

21 tablets of 1g Spiroulina PLATENSIS Without Iodine (Net Weight 21g)

100% pure Greek Spirulina, without excipients, pigments, additives, adhesives or preservatives

In a dark glass pharmaceutical bottle, which protects the product from light to preserve all the nutrients.


The prices include VAT.


COMPOSITION ανά 100g ανά 3g
Energy 319kcal




Protein 65g 1,95g
Carbohydrates 8,4g 0,252g
Of which
Sugar <0,5g <0,015g
Fat 3,7g 0,109g
Of which
Saturated fat 1032,20mg 30,996mg
Monounsaturated fat 205,9mg 6,180mg
Polyunsaturated Fats (Ω-3) 311,2mg 9,340mg
Polyunsaturated Fats (Ω-6) 2099,1mg 62,970mg
γ-linolenic acid 1960,4 mg 58,81mg
Palmitate 48,6 mg 1,46mg
Sodium 0,756g 0,023g
Dietary fiber 06,9g 0,207g
Vitamin B12-Cyanocobalamin 5,46μg(218% DV*)
Provitamin A** 300,8μg (37,6% DV*)

Composition per daily dosage (3g)

VITAMINS: Provitamin A: 1803(μg), Vit B1: 0,16mg, Vit B2: 0,07mg, Vit B3: 0,32mg, Vit B5: 0,03mg, Vit B6: 16,47μg. Vit B8: 1,32μg, Vit B9: 24,81μg, Vit B12: 5,46 μg, Inositol: 0,25 mg, Vit E: 0,23mg.

MINERALS/ TRACE ELEMENTS: Calcium (Ca): 30,85mg, Manganese (Mn): 0,16mg, Magnesium (Mg): 17,96 mg, Selenium (Se): 1,17μg, Ferrum (Fe): 1,51 mg, Copper (Cu): 0,02mg, Chromium (Cr): 3,3μg, Zinc (Zn): 0,2mg, Phosphorus (P): 41,24mg, Boron (Bo): 0,04 mg, Cobalt (Co): 1,05μg, Sodium (Na): 22,68mg, Potassium (K): 46,746 mg, Molybdenum(Mo) : 0.48pg, Fluorine(F): 0,138mg.

ESSENTIAL AMINO ACID : Histidine (His): 0,03g, Isoleucine (Ile): 0,1g, leucine (Leu): 0,16g, Lysine (Lys): 0,08g, Methionine (Met): 0,02g, Phenylalanine (Phe): 0,08g, Threonine (Thr): 0,09g, Tryptophan (Trp): 0,04g, Valine (Val): 0,11g.

FATTY ACIDS: capric (Ci): 1,84mg, Lauric (La): 1,78mg, Myristic(M): 2,58mg, Palmitic (P): 22,06mg, Palmitoleic (Pl): 1,46mg, Stearic (St): 1,45mg, Oleic (E): 4,72mg, Linoleic (L): 4,16mg, α-linolenic (ALA):  9,34mg, γ-linolenic (GLA): 58,81mg: Arachidic (Ara): 1,27mg.


Calorific value/serving 9,6


Other Information

Spirulina is dried naturally within a few hours in a specially designed dryer that works with solar energy (without coming into direct contact with sunlight, keeping all the light-sensitive antioxidants intact).

The product is not irradiated. No pesticides, herbicides or genetically modified organisms are used.

The tablets do not contain excipients, pigments, additives, adhesives or preservatives.


  Spirulina is kept in a dry and cool environment and should not be exposed to temperatures above 40°C as it contains heat-sensitive nutrients such as vitamins. For the same reason it should be consumed raw (avoid cooking or boiling).


Ideal product for every athlete!

  • Power tablets for power results
  • Each tablets consists of 1g pure Spiroulina PLATENSIS


Why 7 Days Power by Spiroulina PLATENSIS?

  • Because it gives energy to every training and race
  • Because it contributes to recovery after any physical activity


Instructions for use

Adults: 3 tablets (3g Spiroulina PLATENSIS) daily, with water or juice

Παιδιά: 1 tablet (1g Spiroulina PLATENSIS) daily, with water or juice


Health Questionnaire

To get the desired results to the maximum extent possible, complete the Health Questionnaire and you will receive personalized instructions for using our products.

Health Questionnaire

We especially draw your attention

  People with thyroid problems should consume spirulina without iodine, in consultation with their treating physician.

  It is forbidden to take spirulina for people suffering from:

  • Phenylketonuria
  • Crohn’s disease (during flare up periods)
  • Ulcerative colitis (during flare up periods)
  • Renal failure

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