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Buckwheat with turmeric and Spiroulina flakes

Φαγόπυρο γαρνιρισμένο με μαϊντανό σε μαύρο σκεύος

Buckwheat or “black wheat” is not a very popular choice for food but it has many beneficial nutrients. Combined with turmeric and Spiroulina flakes, offer the organism all the necessary nutrients.

Difficulty: Medium
Time required: 10′
Portions: 2
Calories per serving : 470kcal


  • 100g buckwheat
  • 200ml hot water
  • 2 small zucchinis cut in cubes
  • 1 grated carrot
  • 1 bouquet of peppermint
  • 2 tablespoons of Spiroulina flakes
  • 1 orange (including its juice) and the peels of it
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric
  • Salt and pepper


  1. Place the buckwheat in a bowl filled with water. Mix and cover the bowl and let it for 1 hour until it absorbs all the water.
  2. After washing the zucchinis, cut their ends. Cut them horizontally in the middle and them in very thin slices.
  3. Place the zucchinis slices, the carrot, the onions, the buckwheat and the peppermint in a different bowl and mix them.
  4. In a different bowl mix the orange juice, the olive oil, the turmeric, the Spiroulina flakes and the salt & pepper.
  5. Pour over the rest of the ingredients, mix and serve.

Bon appetite!


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